Tuesday 1 November 2016

ASP.NET MVC5 New Feature

ASP.NET MVC5 New Feature
  • ASP.NET Identity for authentication and identity management. These days, modern applications are developed for broader range of clients such as web, mobile in mind. Also, users are actively using their social identities from various social channels like Facebook, you tube, twitter etc. ASP.NET Identity is a new Membership system to handle authentication and authorization for variety of clients as well as using user’s existing social identities.
  • Authentication Filters for authenticating user by custom or third-party authentication provider.
  • With the help of Filter overrides, we can now override filters on a method or controller.
  • Bootstrap replaced the default MVC template.

  • Attribute Routing is now integrated into MVC5. Basically, MVC Routing is an excellent way to create human friendly and Search Engine Optimized URLs. You can easily get understanding about Routing in ASP.NET MVC here. Attribute based routing enables us to define routes along with action method.

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